Blog powstał w 2014 roku z potrzeby zgromadzenia materiałów krytycznych, wierszy, fragmentów dramatów, artykułów i wszelkich inspiracji artystów postacią Ofelii oraz "Hamletem" Williama Shakespeare'a.Blog przeznaczony jest tylko do celów edukacyjnych. Nie posiadam praw do zamieszczonych tutaj materiałów.
Launched in 2014, blog contains cricical texts, poems, articles and other Ophelia and "Hamlet" inspirations. I hope that the complex portrait of Shakespeare's Ophelia which emerges from the materials gathered here will help you in your journey within Shakespeare-themed world of art and literature.
This blog is made for educational purposes only. I do not own the rights to any material presented here.
"Who was Ophelia!
Is she the daughter of Polonius?"
["Hamlet" S. Wyspiański]
Launched in 2014, blog contains cricical texts, poems, articles and other Ophelia and "Hamlet" inspirations. I hope that the complex portrait of Shakespeare's Ophelia which emerges from the materials gathered here will help you in your journey within Shakespeare-themed world of art and literature.
This blog is made for educational purposes only. I do not own the rights to any material presented here.
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